Monday, April 27, 2009

It was a great weekend to stay in my jammies and scrap and I actually got ALOT done!!!!!!!! Friday night it was cold and yucky so the jammies went on early and I sat downstairs with my little space heater and did a few layouts, but more than anything tried to corral my mess and get things somewhat organized as it was very much needed. Saturday I did get out of my jammies as I did the cook book class at the Playground, then when I got home from that, EVERYONE in my house was asleep!!!!! How perfect so back downstairs I went and did a few more layouts, then back on went the jammies! On Sunday I got up and took a shower and put on clean jammies to spend the day in!!!!!!!!! I just love those days! I got my Project 365 caught up todate (you guys really shouldn't have quit so early, it is actually quite fun and interesting!), I worked on May baskets for my kids' classes and attempted to put my foot high pile of finished layouts into albums and realized I really need to start scrapping chronologically instead of always doing new pictures first because then I wouldn't have to take my books apart everytime I go to put the pages in there. I also realized that I don't have nearly enough page protectors or albums or space to put the albums when they are put together.!!!!!!!

Love this layout. I stole this idea from Kendra (Thank-x Kendra) I didn't have the cool chip board she did, so I just pop dotted each of my layers and it turned out really cute!!!!

These are the same pictures as above, just different papers. I really try to do two layouts of each, then my kids have one for their book and I have one for my family album.

It is a good thing my daughter didn't look at all of my finished pages fromt this weekend because I did all Hayden pictures and she might feel a little left out!!!!!!! (This weekend he was much easier to scrap because Haley was being a little pill and it is really hard to do "princess" pages when she is acting like she is 2!) Have a good week.


Tessa said...

Those strawberries are so cute! I'm gonna have to steal that idea! Of course I'll cut you a gear, just let me know what color. The cartridge came with my cricut it is Accent Essentials.

Cathy said...

See why we call you an over achiever! Great layouts! Great pictures!!!


About Me

I have 4 kids (17,16,8, and 6) I work at home doing medical transcription and love being at home (most of the time). Life is very chaotic at my house and my little kids (and big kids) keep me on my toes!!!!! I enjoy scrapbooking as a stress reliever and it gives me "ME TIME" which some days is much needed. I have been married for 7.5 years to a wonderful guy who supports my scrapbooking addiction! (He doesn't have much choice as I support his hunting addiction!)