Monday, April 6, 2009

Finally, I am updating my blog!!!!! ~ I know it took me long enough!!!!!! These are some of the pages that I did during one of the MANY snow days we have had in the last month. I love snow days, sitting inside in my pajamas, baking cookies, watching it snow, watching the kids play in the snow, scrapbooking and watching movies, but ENOUGH is ENOUGH. We have had enough snow for this year. I am ready for spring, ready to plant flowers and mow the lawn and go camping, but according to the news, it isn't done yet and we are supposed to get another one this week. ERRRR. I think I will go by the 7 day forecast in the paper instead of the one on TV. According to today's paper it is supposed to be 60° and no snow!!!!!! Also my house could use a break from snow days. It is amazing how much bigger of a mess things are and how much more food we go through when everyone is snowed in!!!!!!

1 comment:

Tessa said...

'bout time Angie! Cute layouts. Love the pic with the tongue sticking out.


About Me

I have 4 kids (17,16,8, and 6) I work at home doing medical transcription and love being at home (most of the time). Life is very chaotic at my house and my little kids (and big kids) keep me on my toes!!!!! I enjoy scrapbooking as a stress reliever and it gives me "ME TIME" which some days is much needed. I have been married for 7.5 years to a wonderful guy who supports my scrapbooking addiction! (He doesn't have much choice as I support his hunting addiction!)